The Tarot of Maker @ Medialab Prado!! OPEN CALL for Collaborators!

The Tarot of maker is one of the 8 projects that have been selected to be developed during Interactivos?’15: Material Cultures in the Digital Age, that will be carried out from December 2 to 16, 2015.

The workshop is complete with a series of conferences and meetings.

The Tarot of Maker is open to collaborators of almost any field. In particular we welcome makers, philosophers, illustrators, graphic designers, ecologists, sociologists, psychologists, coders, poets, translators and in general all the people interested in debating and creating a manifesto of good practice about digital fabrication and the maker movement and then generate a deck of Tarot cards.


The proposal will be mainly developed intellectually through the collaboration of all the people interested in the topic.

Then according to the skills of collaborators, we can produce different results:

a) the prototype of a physical deck, preferably made of recycled materials (i.e.: wood sheets, cutted and engraved with symbols).

b) a wiki or a git of the project by which to develop the project in the future.

A third of the time will be devoted to the creation of the manifesto, another third to the graphic design of the symbols and the choice of the materials.

The remaining time to the creation of a prototype of the deck of cards.

Critical skills and knowledges that we need

Stage I: The Visions

  • Creative writing
  • Mythology and Tarot
  • Systemic thinking
  • Jungian psychology
  • Game design
  • Accesibility and user experience
  • Activistim on maker culture

Stage II: The hands

  • Illustration
  • Digital Painting
  • Drawing
  • Graphic Design
  • Laser cutting and engraving


  • Documentation (foto, video, wiki, git, etc..)
  • Translation



Free registration. Deadline: November 30, 2015.

Hack&Art Day 6th Edition!

Open call for artists, creators, engineers, and thinkers of all disciplines to work on their projects,  make new professional contact, design new prototypes, creating networks, testing inventions or learning new technologies related to digital art.

Creators time: 11am to 6pm with community dinner.
Cost: Free
Open day for everyone: from 6pm to 8pm

If you are interested in participate in the Hackathon, please write explaining a little more about your work and the people you want to help you. Or if you don’t have any project, you can tell us about what you can offer to the day.

All together will try to reply back and coordinate to collaborate. You are invited to participate in the event discussion. 😉

16:00 -18: 00 // Friendly presentation of the ACT project (Accessible Culture & Training).

Presentation of the ACT and brainstorming on the problem of accessibility in performing arts, especially for groups with functional diversity. ESDi, Design School and  UAB University will participate. The session is open to  all those who are interested in the topic, experts or not.

Facebook event:

THÆTA at Sesi-SP massive digital facade in São Paulo!

digital media facade interactive performance

In June 2014 StratoFyzika was invited to perform an adapted version of THÆTA for a special stage accross the 26,241 thousand clusters of LED lamps of Sesi-SP massive facade in São Paulo .
A live feed of the stage image was mixed in live with adapted content for the LED wall.

original THÆTA version :

Sense Shifting working in progress!

Sense shifting is an interdisciplinary art research between participatory art, interactive media, performing arts and cognitive sciences aimed at creating “emotioramas”: interactive artifacts for sensory augmentation, which permit to display information in real-time that conveys emotions-related bio-data through visual and auditory sensory stimuli.

M:A:D Interaction at Koumaria Art Residency!

koumaria tech tree circuit logo

Since 2009 the artist collective Medea Electronique organized a 10-day experimental artist residency, at Koumaria, near Sparta. Focusing on improvisation and new media practices, avant-garde artists from all over the world, inspired by the Greek natural landscape, come together to create a multicultural and cross-media ‘dialogue’ culminating in a collective presentation in Athens.

More info:

Solid Interfaces and Urban Games Workshop at Medialab Prado!

Urban SPirits Medialab solid interfaces urban games
Urban Spirits has been selected to be one of the four projects realized during the Solid Interfaces and Urban Games Workshop at Medialab Prado,  Madrid from 1 to 8 July 2013.

A seven days intensive workshop to develop playable projects involving the urban space and the city as interface.  Ideas have been tested and developed in four prototypes with the aid of collaborators and technical assistants.

Tutors: Guillermo Casado y Gorka Cortázar. Promoter: Sergio Galán.
Advisor: Nerea Calvillo (Medialab-Prado’s curator for Connecting Cities)

About the workshop:

About Urban Spirits:

Shadows of aiKia – Documentation Cut!

interactive media dance performance with sensors

For this performance art piece we design an environment where the stage performers are not bound to static expressions of sound and visuals. We are working with behavior-based approaches in reaction with interactive software settings for sound and visuals. These approaches and technologies affect the environment; adjusting the situations of appearance of shadows, their recognition as mirror effect and projections, their acceptance in the complex of the personality, change of the position of ego towards those elements. We want to achieve an emotional and physical sensation for the audience where the sound and visuals are in interaction with the dancer embodying the space we will create. This will be done with original visual and audio content, software and hardware interaction. This dynamic interactivity engages both the stage performers and audience to a deeper level of interest and identification.
Another possible interpretation Shadows of aiKia is research and examination of the relationship in between body and its biological existence and system of elements, light and sound, both vibrations in the space existing in due to time line. What is the relationship between human consciousness, space where it’s placed and its perception of time. We reproduce a metaphorical creation of the relativity of those dimensions, according to theory of special relativity, testing the limits of speed and trying to win over the equation defining energy and mass.

The visual and audio elements will be connected with the dancer’s movements speed and rotation, using an Arduino board, 1 accelerometer and 1 gyroscope, which will be the consequences of mind and body reactions onto the audiovisual environment.

The dance and movement will focus on duality and the juxtaposition of one’s ego of light and/or dark shadow in the space defined by and in relationship to the visuals and sound.

The space and time, light and sound will become other shadows of the person in the labyrinth of its existence.

We used Max/jitter, AbletonLive, and built a prototype with Arduino, 1 accelerometer and 1 gyroscope.
both sound and visuals do react depending on the movement of the dancer

official website:
StratoFyzika members: Akkamiau / audio (CZ) Alessandra Leone / video (IT) Hen Lovely Bird / movement (USA)
special guests: Giovanni Marco Zaccaria / interactive technology (IT)
Nicolas Berger / creative coding (CH)
curator and production: Laura Biagioni (IT)