Open call for artists, creators, engineers, and thinkers of all disciplines to work on their projects, make new professional contact, design new prototypes, creating networks, testing inventions or learning new technologies related to digital art.
Creators time: 11am to 6pm with community dinner.
Cost: Free
Open day for everyone: from 6pm to 8pm
If you are interested in participate in the Hackathon, please write explaining a little more about your work and the people you want to help you. Or if you don’t have any project, you can tell us about what you can offer to the day.
All together will try to reply back and coordinate to collaborate. You are invited to participate in the event discussion. 😉
16:00 -18: 00 // Friendly presentation of the ACT project (Accessible Culture & Training).
Presentation of the ACT and brainstorming on the problem of accessibility in performing arts, especially for groups with functional diversity. ESDi, Design School and UAB University will participate. The session is open to all those who are interested in the topic, experts or not.
Facebook event: