Electrónica Creativa para Mentes Curiosas e Inventoras [Spanish Only]

Descripción del Taller

Sumérgete en el mundo de la electrónica creativa, comprende los fundamentos y aprovecha de su increíbles potencial para tus creaciones! Electrónica Creativa para Mentes Curiosas e Inventoras es un taller práctico que introduce el uso de la electrónica como medio creativo. Es un taller diseñado específicamente para personas creativas sin experiencia previa en electrónica. Aprenderemos a crear dispositivos electronicos combinando materias digitales y analógicas de manera fluida y poética. El taller quiere desmitificar la tecnología y abrir un espacio de confianza donde poder aprender nuevas herramientas tecnológicas sin miedo y de forma clara e interesante. No es un curso de ingeniería. Al introducir un enfoque intuitivo, animamos a las personas participantes a explorar nuevas perspectivas para su autoexpresión, así como a aprender las habilidades técnicas básicas utilizadas en la creación electrónica. Aprender los conceptos básicos de electrónica es, hoy en día, vital para cualquiera que busque diseñar nuevos prototipos, iniciarse a la reparación de objetos o explorar nuevas formas de expresarse . Ya sea que esté interesada en el diseño, la iluminación LEDs, la artesanía o la robótica, este taller representa una gran oportunidad para empezar a desarrollar tus ideas creativas.

Programa Detallado

Este taller de tecnologías creativas sigue un enfoque basado en la experimentación y la colaboración. Por lo tanto se fomentará la creación de un espacio compartido para que las personas participantes puedan explorar ideas creativas y disfrutar del proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo.Si bien las personas participantes serán libres de explorar las herramientas y las tecnologías a su propio ritmo, se le animará a involucrarse activamente haciendo preguntas y compartiendo sus conocimientos. Durante el taller se tratará de proporcionar el conocimiento teórico y técnico necesario, presentando simples circuitos que se puedan realizar rápidamente y sin experiencia previa. Se introducirán los conceptos básicos de la electricidad a partir de la Ley de Ohm, los fundamentos de la electrónica como resistencias, transistores, LEDs y motores. Seguirá una descripción general de sensores y Arduino: un pequeño dispositivo diseñado para ser el celebro electrónico de proyectos creativos. El taller también incluirá algunos consejos esenciales para el uso de herramientas y cómo cuidar de los materiales y las instalaciones.

Augmented Movements (Workshop) at LMDP Festival!

interactive media dance performance with sensors

A next workshop is coming soon within the fourth edition of International Theatre, Art and New Technologies Festival, Le Meraviglie del Possibile. LMDP Festival is the first of this kind in the whole Italy. It aim to promote the interrelation between artistic and technological languages.

AUGMENTED MOVEMENTS is the next M:A:D Interaction’s interdisciplinary activity for the Performing Arts. It’s about designing and exploring advanced interactive interfaces for the stage. The workshop is addressed to performers, artists, designers and technicians, interested to learn more about how to apply interactive technologies in fields like performance, dance and scene design.

More info: http://www.kyberteatro.it/en/spettacoli.asp


Experimental Sound and Music JAM

Two experimental sessions to make love with sounds and our imagination. Bring the instrument with which you most vibrate or the junky stuff that inspire you the most: we are going to create a playful space to get closer to the simplicity of the most basic electronic music.

We will pick up samples of rebellious sounds, indolent noises, unexpected variations of the ether. We will explore improbable connections, altered perceptions, ephemeral scores. The collective music creativity belongs to us and we will enjoy it!

The second session will be dedicated especially to explore simple analog synthesizers!
In particular we are going to make circuits based on the famous integrated chip 555.

What sounds will they produce?
Come and find out!

9 and 22 June 2016  from 19H to 21H.

Participation is free! The activity will be realized at Baumannlab within the support of the Hack Club program.

Accessible Culture & Training Erasmus+ Project

act erasmus

About the overall project:

Accessible Culture & Training is a project funded by the ERASMUS + Programme of the EU.

The project ACT proposes the definition of a new professional profile, that of the “Media Accessibility Expert/Manager for the Scenic Arts”, and also the various types of training activities associated to this professional.

The project focuses on promoting equal opportunities and accessibility to cultural events (scenic arts) across countries and languages searching to establish and qualify the profile of accessibility expert to empower all citizens and especially people with disabilities.

More info here: http://pagines.uab.cat/act/

About the collaboration:

One of the activities in ACT is to organize a hackathon. Some meetings will take place in advance to prepare participants for the final day. M:A:D Interaction will collaborate as consultant and workshop facilitator with the aims to design new prototypes.
These activities will take place at ESTRUCH Sabadell, Barcelona

Tuesday, March 29th 2016
Hackathon Presentation and Planning

  • 15:30 Project presentation Accessible Culture and Training
  • 16:00 Presentation Conference participants
  • 16:30 Process and methodology
    Prototype Design
    Artistic Mediation
  • 17:00 State of the art in accessible technology
  • 17:30 Prototyping accessible technology
  • 18:00 Artistic actions


  • MEDIAESTRUCH Francisco (coordinator), Giovanni Marco (M:A:D Interaction!), Anna Recassens (artistic mediation). Nuria Nia (archives, audiovisual).
  • Collective art: theater of the senses (three artists).
  • ESDI Mireia (product), Miguel (fashion), Eduardo (UXI), Encarna (sociologist), Elisabeth (fashion student), Albert (fashion student), Gorka (student multidisciplinary), Juliet (student multidisciplinary), Raquel (product ).

Tuesday, April 5th 2016 
Analysis of challenges and problem shooting

  • 15:30 Interview with disable users
  • 17:30 Artistic dynamics
  • 18:30 Debate

Tuesday, April 12th 2016

  • Initial Proposals

Tuesday, April 19th 2016

  • Work proposals

Tuesday, April 26th 2016

  • Employment Testing & proposals

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016

  • Group Presentation

Tuesday, May 13th 2016 

  • Theater with Estruch Testing